During its visit to the European Parliament, the Bosnian Advocacy Center (BAC) met with the senior member of the European Parliament Mr. Eduard Kukan, an MEP from Slovakia.
Medisa Fočić, a senior BAC member, presented the current political situation and challenges in Bosnia and Herzegovina to Mr. Kukan.
She expressed BAC’s appreciation for his continuous support for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s EU integration and thanked him for his unequivocal support for the latest Karadžić verdict.
Mr. Kukan emphasized that if Bosnia wants to join the EU, it needs to work hard to achieve that goal. He also reiterated that he will remain a friend of Bosnia and Herzegovina and will continue to support the country.
Mr. Kukan noted that the Bosnian Advocacy Center is a tremendous initiative that may provide invaluable assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina on its EU path and in addressing the tough challenges the country faces.