BAC Met with President Komšić and Speaker of the House Zvizdić

President of the Bosnian Advocacy Center Ismail Ćidić and members of the team met with President Željko Komšić of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Speaker of the House of Representatives Denis Zvizdić in Washington, D.C. In separate meetings, Ćidić briefed President Komšić and Speaker Zvizdić on the latest developments concerning United States-Bosnia relations and discussed plans […]

BAC Kicked Off the 2023 Fundraising Campaign

The Bosnian Advocacy Center kicked off its fundraising campaign for 2023. The aim of the campaign, which will last until 2023, is to raise resources for the upcoming activities and objectives, including the establishment of a Washington, D.C. office, Annual Policy Conference, BAC Internship Program, and other activities listed in our 2019-2022 report available here. […]

BAC Published its 2019-2022 Report

Ahead of the 2023 fundraising campaign, the Bosnian Advocacy Center published its 2019-2022 report to inform its partners and allies about key accomplishments and future plans. The report sums up all BAC activities, including our briefings, policy initiatives, and reports. We also highlight our 2023 objectives, namely the plans for the BAC office in Washington, […]

BAC Published a Review Paper on the Srebrenica Genocide Resolutions

The Bosnian Advocacy Center published its second research paper titled Safeguarding the Truth About the Srebrenica Genocide Through Parliamentary Resolutions.  The paper, authored by Harun Nuhanović, research associate, and Ajla Serdarević, intern, reviews all publicly available Srebrenica genocide resolutions adopted by legislative bodies across the world, compares the language used in the resolutions, and lists the […]

BAC Sent a Policy Memo to the New BiH Presidency

As part of our research and policy initiatives, the Bosnian Advocacy Center authored and sent a policy memo to the members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The document consists of multiple specific foreign policy proposals developed based on the current political moment and the upcoming challenges for Bosnia and Herzegovina. The document is […]

BAC’s Statement on OHR’s anticipated imposition of apartheid-like electoral policies

Following the media reports and statements by political leaders regarding the anticipated impositions of amendments to FBiH Constitution and BiH Electoral Law by the Office of High Representative (OHR), we join dozens of activists, academics and political leaders in opposing any changes that would foster further divisions among the peoples of BiH and allow for […]

Statement on the 26th Anniversary of the Dayton Agreement

Today we mark the 26th anniversary of the Dayton Agreement that was officially signed in Paris on December 14, 1995. The agreement ended the war of aggression and genocide that had been raging in Bosnia from 1992. While we understand that the Dayton Agreement has put an end to the war and genocide, it also […]

Statement on the Latest Dangerous and Unconstitutional activities by RS Entity

The Bosnian Advocacy Center strongly condemns the latest anti-BiH and anti-Dayton Agreement actions by RS officials supported by Serbia. In order to avoid a serious international crisis, our key allies, who have an official mandate to protect the peace, must react clearly, unequivocally, and decisively. The latest statement issued by the ambassadors of the Peace […]

BAC Report: How RS Entity Spent More Than $20 Million on Anti-Bosnian Lobbying

The Bosnian Advocacy Center published the report titled “Lobbying as a foreign policy tool: How the RS entity spent 40 million BAM on lobbying in the US.” This report lists and analyzes all available contracts between the RS entity and numerous US lobbying firms since 2006 when Milorad Dodik took office. We show that the […]

BAC Hosted a Panel with Senator Joe Lieberman and Senator Dennis DeConcini

On May 4, 2021, the Bosnian Advocacy Center hosted a panel discussion with former U.S. senators Joe Lieberman and Dennis DeConcini titled “Revisiting the Call of the Bosnian Hawks.” Senators Lieberman and DeConcini, together with senators Dole, Biden, Moynihan and others, were the loudest advocates for and on behalf of Bosnia in the United States […]